Isnin, 7 Mac 2011

nk jdik sweet talk x???

salah satu nye ialah( aku cilok masa tgh tanye en gugel)

Be Respectful

Aretha Franklin once glibly observed that all anyone really wants is a little respect. Just a little bit. Oh yeah, just a little bit. Make others feel respected and appreciated by giving them your undivided attention and by letting them know through verbal and physical cues, like good eye contact and an open posture, that you value their opinion and their company. By making them feel special they’ll be far more likely to return the favor.

so,kene la alert org sekeliling nk jadik sweet talk,bukan utk sorang org je,ngan org sekeliling juge...kalau korang rase nk ckp bedua je atau ngan clan korang aje,g la masuk miting room clan korang aje....

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