Rabu, 10 Ogos 2011

perbandingan prepaid balckberry plan antara hotlink,celcom,u mobile,and tune talk....

(kurang pahala posa aku tulis blog ni)

selama 4 bulan lebih,aku pakai blackberry gune hotlink...rm20/month..okey la kan,aku boleh watsapp,fb,tweet (social network),check email(yahoo,gmail,etc)balckberry app world,skodeng website,ym,gtalk,bbm,fbchat..tulis blog.....heheheheh,leh download brg dr email...

tp,bile aku renew plan dia yg rm 30,cam APE PON TABLEY..

tulis blog....harammm!!!
nk skodeng gugel... ptui
balckberry app world x leh masuk!!!!
email...no entry okey!!!!

maka disini,aku ngan feez telah amat amarahnye menggunakan hotlink yg kami banggakan selama 4 bulan ni..demmit...aku dah sebey....rangkaian tepon menggunakan prepaid...mari kite saksikan

NOMO 1-HOTLINK-xpress yourself

(ini berdasarkan plan pada 10.8.2011)
pakej yg ade:
1)monthly BIS Plan RM98
2)Wkly BIS PLAN RM 28
3) Day BIS PLAN RM 2.50
4) Mthly BIS Social RM30
5) Wkly BIS SOcial RM 7

coverage pada aku not bad gak hotlink ni


MAHAL okey!!!!kite aka prepaid nk jimat,nk bebelanja nga bijak...INFLASI SIFAR WAWASAN KITA..so bye bye hotlink...

NOMO 2- CELCOM-berbaloi baloi

pada aku,plan ni not bad,x mahal,x murah,dengan ape service yg derang bagi,mmg berbaloi laaa..coverage mmg not bad;

All BlackBerry® Plans come with BlackBerry® Internet Service which includes up to 11 push email accts, Social
Networking - (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace ), Instant Messaging (BlackBerry® Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Windows
Live Messenger, Google Talk & ICQ), Internet browsing & tethered modem capable (FUP based on Plan choosen) &
access to BlackBerry® Apps World.


boleh dipertimbangkan

NOMO 3-DIGI-always the smarter choice...

smart ke????smart laaa,kadang2 line x de..sile sabor yeeeee

plan..not bad....murahhhhh

sile lihat lampirannnn

aku x amek pekej yg lain,sbb,x bes langsung

tp coverage,x la sehebat celcom ngn hotlink,tp,kadang2,boleh je da buat bendeelik,tempat celcom ngan hotlink x de,dia ade line....hurmmmm

NOMO4-U mobile


Unlimited BlackBerry® Internet Service (BIS)YesYesYes

Video Streaming Charge
FREE Unlimited Data
FeesRM 1.50RM 8RM 25
not badddd...tp...aku x tau details dia...aku assume,sama kot ngan digi

last sekali..TUNE TALK-once u balck,u never go back

BIS Plan
What does BIS Plan include:
Email, BBM, Blackberry Browser, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, Google Talk & Social Feeds

What BIS Plan does NOT include:
Internet browsing using the WAP Browser, FourSquare, Whatsapp, Youtube & downloads of files

Subscription RatesBISBBM + IM
DAILY - RM 0.98
DAILY - RM 0.38
MONTHLY - RM 28.00
MONTHLY - RM 11.00
NOTE: All subscriptions are renewed automatically.

so,sebagai manusia yang bijaksana dan sini.....korang pilih arrrrrrrr me yan terbaik,aku cume tlg permudahkan pilihan korang sajokkkk

2 ulasan:

@tune® berkata...

aku mcm nk pakai celcom nyer prepaid hya tuk bb sahaja...

digi lajuuuuuu
celcom lembssss

chucky berkata...

