Rabu, 2 Julai 2008

bad egg company limited

on the way,aku ngan a'a

finally,they just got married
aku kenal rosma time skooling

ma real partner in crime before a'a , kayu,aizat and koop time
kirenye skool punye partner in crime la
one of the best goal keeper i eber had after kak najiha but not a secret keeper
kalu aku sneak out dr hostel, tdo umah dia,
even time kolej pon ngan time dah keje
aku tdo umah dia
bad egg co lmtd,sumenye mmg perangai macam setan,ingat dah kawen,elok la perangai,
same je

au lak,partner in crime aku
pirate la jugak

photographer ni,suami kherani,si parid,
kherani pon bad egg,yang baju oren tuh

imah ngan kojek


3 ulasan:

helomynameisjaye berkata...

aku kenal mereka mase kt tioman 4 tawon lepas.mereka adela org baek2.selamt berbahagia jugek.

chucky berkata...

iye laa
baek hamende nye
x de maknenye

@tune® berkata...

hikhik..aku knal derang lak..seplo tahun lepas lag..kirenye 15 tawon dah...heheheh
